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Supporting the Professional Dreams of the Young People of Miami County

“These targeted scholarships are important and can help better my career. I’ve really had great opportunities early on in my schooling to have hands-on experience with people and that just by practicing my career it can really impact people whether it is short term or long term.”
Trinity Moore

Ever since she was little, Trinity Moore has been passionate about helping people from different contexts. “I’ve always enjoyed helping people and also working with people from different types of health backgrounds,” explained Moore. “Whether they have a disability or just some health problems.”

However, at age four, when her father suffered from a brain aneurysm and had to be hospitalized, her passion for healthcare was born. “Hearing him talk about it afterwards, I definitely had a personal connection to wanting to help people,” said Moore.

The opportunity to assist others would later present itself to her at her high school. While at Louisburg High School in Kansas and considering her future options, she was presented with the D.O. Smith Scholarship by the Miami County Community Foundation.

“I didn’t really know about the D.O. Smith Scholarship when I first applied,” said Moore. “But after looking at it, I realized that it was a really good way to engage with not only my town but the whole community.”

The D.O. Smith Scholarship is for the young minds of Miami County, dedicated to helping those pursuing or enrolling in a nursing program. With her background, this was something that was of interest to her.

“Learning about this scholarship,” explained Moore. “I realized how much it would help financially through school, so I can actually focus fully on my education and making sure that I was going to fall into a career that I really enjoyed.”

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Being a recipient of the D.O. Smith Scholarship has enabled Moore to pursue her studies at Pittsburgh State University free of the financial burden that others often face, and it isn’t something that she takes lightly.

“I’m very happy to be a part of Miami County and the Louisburg community because they have always been supportive, and they help communicate how important it is that a community supports individuals from a young age and that they’ll always be there for you.”

For now, she has switched her major to hospitality management, as it still allows her to provide care to others in Miami County. However, she acknowledges that although she might not be a doctor, that doesn’t mean she cannot still be involved in community healthcare. 

“Since I did switch my major to hospitality management with a nutrition minor,” explained Moore. “I think it really helps that even though I still want to work and help people in some sort of healthcare-related field, it doesn’t necessarily have to mean you have to be a doctor.”

As for the other youth in her community who may be looking for assistance from the Miami County Community Foundation, she has some nuggets of wisdom for them: “Focus on community engagement and knowing what kind of purpose you want to have.”

This is just one of the inspiring stories related to the efforts of the Miami County Community Foundation. If you’re interested in donating, click this link here: GIVE | MICOCF

Your online gift—whether one-time, annual, or recurring—allows the Miami County Community Foundation to make the dreams of one of Miami County’s youth come true.

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