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How to Start a Nonprofit in Miami County, KS 

So, you’re thinking about how to start a nonprofit in Miami County, KS? That’s fantastic! Not only are you on the brink of making a meaningful impact, but you’re also about to join the ranks of more than 18,000 nonprofits that call Kansas home. Among them are 14,151 organizations with 501(c)(3) status—organizations that are eligible to receive tax-deductible donations and operate with a clear public service mission (learn more here). 

Nonprofits are the lifeblood of Kansas communities, generating as much as $22.2 billion in revenue and providing essential services from health care to education. 

However, starting a nonprofit isn’t a walk in the park, and it’s not only about good intentions. There is a lot to do, from legal paperwork to securing funding to building something that lasts. We’re here to break down the process step by step, making it clear and manageable. With a little perseverance and the right guidance, your nonprofit can become a cornerstone of the Kansas charitable community.

How to Start a Nonprofit Organization in Miami County, KS

Volunteers serving food to children at a local charity, illustrating how to start a nonprofit organization.
Learning how to start a nonprofit organization is key to making a positive impact in underserved communities.

By learning how to start a nonprofit organization, you will be joining a community of passionate leaders who share a common goal in Miami County, KS: to improve lives and address your community’s most pressing needs.

Let’s walk through how to start a nonprofit one step at a time.

Step 1: Give your organization a name that tells your story. 

Picking the right name for your nonprofit is a big step—it’s how you start sharing your story with the world. Think about the Miami County Community Foundation (MICOCF). Their name isn’t just a title; it reflects their dedication to improving life in Miami County. 

Just like MICOCF, whose name is synonymous with community growth, your nonprofit’s name should connect directly with the people you want to help.

Step 2: Define your Nonprofit’s Mission.

After naming your nonprofit, the next step is to define your mission.  Your mission statement should be clear, focused, and deeply connected to your core values. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires 501(c)(3) nonprofits to align with one of the following purposes:

  • Charitable
  • Religious
  • Educational
  • Scientific
  • Literary
  • Testing for public safety
  • Fostering national or international amateur sports competitions
  • Preventing cruelty to children and animals

Take inspiration from the MICOCF’s team, whose mission is to improve Miami County’s business climate, quality of life, and cultural and educational development (read more about how scholarships are transforming outstanding young people in Miami County!).

Step 3: Build a strong (and practical) business plan.

This plan should outline your organization’s goals, target beneficiaries, and fundraising strategies. Here’s how to do it in a way that’s straightforward and effective:

  • Set your goals: Start by outlining what you want to achieve and who you’re here to help. Then, describe your programs and services and show the impact you’re aiming for—this is what funders care about most.
  • Attract funders and supporters: Clearly explain your mission and how you plan to achieve your goals. Include a marketing plan that shows who you are helping and how you will reach potential donors. Be sure to indicate how board members and volunteers can get involved.
  • Plan day-to-day operations and finances: Outline day-to-day operations, including legal issues and team organization. Prepare your budget with realistic figures, using examples from similar nonprofit organizations if possible.
  • Summarize: Conclude with an executive summary: a brief, clear overview of your mission, goals, and how you will accomplish it all. This is the part you will share with others to convince them to participate.
  • Include extras: Add any important documents, such as the IRS letter or biographies of board members, in an appendix.

Keep things simple and straightforward, and focus on what really matters. This plan will help you stay the course and attract the support you need to make your nonprofit successful.

Step 4: Choose your Incorporator and Board of Directors.

The legal formation of your nonprofit begins with selecting an incorporator who will sign the Articles of Incorporation. Kansas law requires a minimum of one director, though the IRS expects at least three directors if you plan to apply for 501(c)(3) status. Your board of directors will play a critical role in guiding your organization, and Kansas law does not impose residency requirements for board members. Each board member should understand their responsibilities, which include attending meetings, preparing minutes, and overseeing financial records.

The board of directors is critical: they will guide your nonprofit and make the most important decisions. Kansas does not require board members to be residents, so you can choose the best people, regardless of where they live. Each board member should know their duties, such as attending meetings, taking minutes and overseeing financial records. 

Step 5: Appoint a Registered Agent.

Your nonprofit needs an agent registered in Kansas to handle legal notifications. This can be an individual who is a Kansas resident or a company registered with the Kansas Secretary of State. The agent must be available during normal business hours.

Step 6: File your articles of Incorporation.

To officially establish your nonprofit, file the Articles of Incorporation with the Kansas Secretary of State using Form AI. There’s a $20 filing fee, and the form must include your nonprofit’s public purpose and a no-distribution clause to meet IRS requirements for tax-exempt status. Online filing allows for an immediate response, while filing by mail can take up to four days unless expedited.

Step 7: Get your Employer Identification Number (EIN).

Once your nonprofit is incorporated, the next move is to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This number is required for opening bank accounts, filing taxes, and hiring employees. Even if you don’t plan on having employees right away, you’ll still need an EIN. You can apply for it online by filing Form SS-4, or if you prefer, you can submit it by mail.

Step 8: Getting things started: the first board meeting.

The first board meeting is a key milestone. It is the time when you elect officers, assign board members to committees, and approve essential documents such as bylaws and conflict of interest policy. It is also an ideal time to finalize the opening of a bank account for your nonprofit.

Step 9: Secure your Tax-Exempt Status and apply for 501(c). 

To qualify for federal tax exemption, your nonprofit organization must apply for 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. If your organization expects to earn less than $50,000 in the first three years, you can file a simplified Form 1023-EZ at a cost of $275. For larger nonprofit organizations, you must file the full Form 1023, which costs $600. It can take up to six months to receive the determination letter, so make sure you have everything in order before submitting the application.

If your nonprofit primarily benefits its members, you might consider applying for 501(c)(4) status. In this case, you must file Form 1024 and pay a fee of $600.

Step 10: Check for state and local tax exemptions.

After obtaining federal tax-exempt status, your nonprofit may automatically qualify for state tax exemption in Kansas. However, it is important to check whether you are also exempt from other local taxes, such as property taxes. To be sure, contact your local city in Miami County, KS, and verify your status.

Step 11: Registration with the Kansas Department of Labor.

If your nonprofit plans to hire employees, you will need to create an account with the Kansas Department of Labor. This step guarantees compliance with state unemployment tax regulations and fulfillment of all legal obligations as an employer.

Step 12: Registration to solicit donations.

Before you start your fundraising efforts, make sure your nonprofit organization is registered with the Kansas Attorney General’s office. This step is necessary to legally solicit donations in the state unless your organization qualifies for an exemption.

Step 13: Get the necessary licenses and permits.

Depending on what your nonprofit plans to do, you may need various federal, state, or local licenses and permits. So, before starting, make sure to check all the necessary requirements in Miami County, KS, and consult with local authorities, especially if you plan activities such as charity raffles or bingo. You can find detailed information and the necessary applications on the Miami County Licenses & Applications page.

Step 14: File the annual report. 

To keep your nonprofit in good standing, you must file an annual report with the Secretary of State. This report must include updated information on the organization’s current directors and officers and must be filed by the 15th day of the sixth month following the end of your nonprofit’s fiscal year. Remember to submit the report on time to avoid penalties. 

Curious about how the Miami County Community Foundation came to life? Learn from their experience, and see how you can start something impactful in your own community.

Tips and Tricks for Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising 

A group of volunteers sorting donations at a community event, showcasing nonprofit marketing and fundraising efforts.
Nonprofit marketing and fundraising strategies are essential for growing donor support and raising awareness for your cause.

When defining the components of a nonprofit, one of the most important aspects to consider is how you will approach nonprofit marketing and fundraising. This means that as you learn how to start a nonprofit, developing a clear plan for marketing and fundraising must be a top priority.

Another important step is securing tax-exempt status. While nonprofit status means that you are recognized by state law, tax-exempt status exempts your organization from paying federal income tax on money earned through activities related to your mission. However, even with tax-exempt status, your nonprofit may have to pay other taxes, such as payroll or property taxes. 

Here are some simple, actionable tips to help you kickstart your nonprofit with a strong foundation:

1. Create a supportive network: Think of your donors as part of a community, not just a list of names. The stronger their connection to others and to your mission, the greater their involvement will be.

2. Make every donation count: People like to know exactly where their money is going. Show them the direct impact of their donations, such as how $50 can provide meals for a family in Miami County, KS. 

3. Personalize your messages across all channels: Tailor your communications to different groups and across different channels, whether they are first-time donors or long-time supporters.

4. Grow your email list: Email is a reliable way to stay in touch with your supporters, unaffected by social media algorithms. Build a solid email list to send updates, thank-yous, and important news directly to your audience.

5. Facilitate donations from mobile: With so many people using smartphones and technologies, it is important to have a donation page that is easy to browse on mobile devices. A smooth, mobile-friendly donation process can help ensure that people complete their donations smoothly.

These simple tips can help you have a clearer picture on how to start a nonprofit organization. For more in-depth resources and guidance, you can visit the National Council of Nonprofits at councilofnonprofits.org. They’ve got a ton of handy tips and advice to help you get your nonprofit up and running.

How to Start a Nonprofit: Conclusion

Three people working on laptops and mobile devices, brainstorming ideas for how to start a nonprofit.
Knowing how to start a nonprofit involves understanding legal structures, community needs, and organizational goals.

Learning how to start a nonprofit organization in Miami County, KS, is an important but rewarding journey. From choosing the perfect name to securing 501(c)(3) status, every step is part of building something full of value and purpose. 

Whether your passion is education, health care, or another cause close to your heart, this guide will help you turn your vision into reality. And remember that you are not alone: be inspired by the Miami County Community Foundation to see how they have built something special from the ground up!

If you have questions or need guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Every step you take, whether it’s starting your nonprofit or supporting others, helps make Miami County an even better place.