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Volunteering Trends: How & Why More People Are Giving Back

It’s no surprise that in recent years, more and more people are finding ways to give back. In fact, nearly 51% of Americans aged 16 and over informally helped neighbors during the first years of the global pandemic, and over 23% formally engaged in volunteering work through an organization during the same period. 

Despite the many downturns, American society has continued to volunteer, contributing time and talent to communities in need. This year alone, nearly half of nonprofits reported over 250 active volunteers. This growing trend is not just a passing phase, but it’s a reflection of how our society values connection, community, and making a difference.

But what exactly is driving this surge in volunteerism? It’s a mix of factors—from a desire to create a positive impact to the increasing accessibility of volunteer opportunities, thanks to technological development and innovative approaches.

In this blog, we want to dive into these trends, what the benefits of volunteering are, explore why people like you are rolling up their sleeves to make a difference, and how you can find meaningful opportunities to give back—not just for the community but also for yourself. 

A Breakdown of Current Volunteering Trends

Volunteers discussing new volunteering trends at a community gathering.
Understanding volunteering trends is essential for organizations aiming to attract and retain dedicated volunteers.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, volunteering trends are adjusting to stay in the race, reinventing the concept of volunteering.

The latest volunteering trends highlight key changes that can help you better understand how to give back to your community. Start by asking yourself, what kind of volunteer are you? Which type of volunteering suits you best? Why do you volunteer?

Statistics this year have shown that:

  • Most U.S.-based volunteers are women aged 35-44 with a child under 18.
  • One-third of the nonprofit workforce is made up of volunteers.
  • Regular volunteerism offers numerous benefits, like personal fulfillment, skill development, and increased employment chances.
  • 83% volunteer to help a cause they care about.

During the global pandemic, we couldn’t pursue in-person volunteering, leading to new ways to approach this practice. With our increased digital connectivity, new opportunities for volunteering have emerged. Charities have adapted by offering flexible options that cater to a broader range of age groups, allowing more people to get involved. 

Virtual Volunteering

One of the most prominent shifts we’ve seen is the rise in virtual volunteering, an innovative approach that allows individuals to continue making an impact from the comfort of their homes. 

Thanks to technological advancements, online platforms have opened up new chances for people to tutor students, offer pro bono consultancy, or even design marketing materials for nonprofits. 

Take the story of Geoffry, who has been volunteering to teach English to kids located across the world virtually. “Even if there are limitations to it, the alternative being to not teach or work with them at all makes the online aspect fantastic,” he says

Even though virtual volunteering may not be the same as being face-to-face with your peers, it’s still a useful option for those who want to give back. In fact, this surge saw over a 90% increase in voluntary organizations moving their operations online during the pandemic, which shows that despite challenges, people still care about volunteering. 

Skill-Based Volunteering

Another interesting trend that’s showing popularity is skill-based volunteering. Everyone has their own set of unique skills. So, why not use that expertise to support causes close to your heart? 

Rather than simply donating time in a general capacity, more individuals are leveraging their skills to help nonprofit organizations with their social projects. 

 For instance, a software developer might build websites for charities, or a financial advisor could help nonprofits create sustainable budgets. This approach allows volunteers to contribute in a way that’s both impactful for the community and personally fulfilling, leading to more meaningful engagements. 


Micro-volunteering is a concept taking the volunteering world by storm, especially for those with busy schedules. This form of volunteering offers flexibility, allowing individuals to contribute in small but meaningful ways

It could be as simple as translating a short document, sharing a social media post, or contributing to an online brainstorming session. These bite-sized opportunities enable even the busiest to make a difference, proving that you don’t need hours of free time to create a positive impact. 

What Generation Volunteers the Most?

What’s really fascinating is how different generations understand and shape volunteering in their own ways that fit their schemata. A common question is which generation volunteers the most, and while this varies over time, in the past year, Gen X (1965-1970) and Baby Boomers (1946-1964) have been the two generations that volunteer the most.

While Gen Z and Millennials often gravitate towards tech-savvy projects and innovative campaigns, older generations find fulfillment in more hands-on, community-based activities. These varied contributions enrich the volunteering experience, as they create a diverse and multi-generational impact. 

Families are also increasingly volunteering together, turning community service into a bonding experience that instills the values of empathy and service in children from a young age. It’s truly heartwarming to see parents and kids working side-by-side, planting trees and preparing meals at a local soup kitchen.

As you can see, volunteering is no longer a one-size-fits-all experience. There’s basically a trend for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you’re a tech enthusiast, a professional looking to share your skills, a 30 or 60-year-old, or someone who only has a few minutes to spare. 

That’s the beauty of it—there’s always a way to get involved and make a difference. You simply just have to find yours.

Join us in shaping a better tomorrow for Miami County. Your support is more than just a donation. It’s an investment in our community.

Benefits of Volunteering to the Community and Yourself 

Volunteers cleaning a beach, demonstrating the benefits of volunteering for environmental causes.
The benefits of volunteering extend beyond helping others, offering personal growth and community involvement.

The beauty of giving back to the community lies in its ability to create a ripple effect, where the benefits of volunteering extend far beyond the immediate task at hand. When you engage in volunteering, it’s no longer about lending a helping hand. It’s a way to build a stronger, more resilient community and grow as an individual. 

Every hour spent teaching a child to read, every food served to someone in need, and every park cleaned up creates a more vibrant, supportive environment for our society. 

We see this in our projects to provide educational resources to underprivileged children in Miami County. These efforts meet the immediate needs while also laying the foundation for future success and empowerment. 

But the impact doesn’t stop there. Even though the benefits may be uncountable, let’s go over some of the most significant benefits of volunteering to the community so you have a better grasp of what this is all about: 

  1. Volunteering connects you to others: Volunteering is an excellent way to meet people and make friends, especially if you’ve just moved into a new place. It connects you with people with similar interests, allowing you to pursue fun activities and neighborhood resources. Not just that, when you talk to the people you’re helping, you know more about them, and you empathize with their situation, which enables you to grow as a person. 
  2. Volunteering is good for your body: Studies have shown that volunteering among adults provides higher physical benefits than non-volunteers. Volunteering requires constant movement and thinking, which keeps the body active.
  3. Volunteering is good for your mind: Beyond the tangible skills, there’s a wealth of emotional and mental health benefits to be gained. Many different studies have shown that volunteering can reduce stress, anxiety, and even symptoms of depression. Why? Because it activates a reward center in your brain that liberates serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. When you invest your time and energy into helping others, you experience a sense of purpose that’s hard to find elsewhere. 
  4. Volunteering can advance your career: You can acquire job skills through volunteering —whether it’s public speaking, presentation skills, leadership, or project management—allowing you to act as an agent for change while accelerating your career growth. Studies show that candidates with volunteer experience have a 27% better chance of finding employment than non-volunteers.
  5. Volunteering helps you learn (a lot): Apart from job skills and new friends, you can discover hidden talents and find yourself as a person. Additionally, it’s not just about getting to know yourself. You can also become familiar with your local law and government leaders. 
  6. Volunteering strengthens your community: If you’re like us and care about your community, you should know there are fewer ways to strengthen it than volunteering. Why? Because it can allow you to feel a sense of belonging, so important in human society. It can also build bridges between you and others in need or wanting to help to build a stronger group where you can support each other. 
  7. Volunteering really makes a difference: In this fast-paced world, where posting an Instagram story or a tweet about how upset we are at society can feel unfulfilling, volunteering offers a meaningful way to take action and make a real impact. 

But the effort to expand volunteer involvement doesn’t rest solely on individuals. Nonprofits are increasingly leveraging technology to improve how they coordinate, communicate with, and engage volunteers, making it easier for more people to get involved.

In fact, one of the latest volunteering trends includes AI-driven insights and online platforms to make it easier to match a volunteer with opportunities that suit their skills and interests.

In general, when you volunteer for organizations to give back to your community, the sense of sharing, caring, and helping others undoubtedly is what makes volunteering a rewarding experience. The remaining question that needs to be asked is: Why is it important for you to volunteer?

Volunteering With MICOCF

A group of volunteers participating in an outdoor event, showcasing the impact of volunteering.
Volunteering plays a vital role in building communities.

By now, you’ve seen the power of volunteering and how it can transform both communities and individuals. The rise of people donating through the years and the different ways it can help you and your surroundings is a testament to its importance.

If you’re looking for a place where your efforts will truly make a difference, then we want to extend a warm welcome to the Miami County Community Foundation. We’ve been here since 2007, dedicating our work to fostering a prosperous community for our residents, enhancing the business climate, quality of life, and cultural and educational development. 

When you choose to volunteer with MICOCF, you’re contributing to an organization while also joining a family dedicated to uplifting the community. 

Imagine being part of a team that’s helped renovate local parks, ensuring children have safe spaces to play, or mentoring a student who dreams of being the first in their family to attend college. These are the tangible impacts you can have when volunteering with MICOCF.

We offer many opportunities catering to different interests and skill sets. If you’re looking to lend your expertise in a specific area or maybe just want to give back in any way you can, there’s a place for you here. 

MICOCF can be your perfect partner in your search for building networks with committed individuals like you who want a brighter future. And you can start now.

Are you interested in learning more or contributing to our cause? Reach out with any questions you may have. With just one click, you can transform lives. Your donation has the power to create a significant change.