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A Guide to Effective Planned Giving in Miami County, Kansas  

planned giving

As we navigate through the 21st century, traditional forms of philanthropy are being complemented by more strategic and forward-thinking approaches. One such method is planned giving, a powerful tool that allows individuals to extend their philanthropic impact beyond their lifetime.

Planned giving, also known as legacy giving, refers to committing to donate a significant gift to a non-profit or charity, which comes into effect either during the donor’s lifetime or after their passing. This form of giving is typically integrated into the donor’s financial or estate plans. It’s a win-win situation, allowing donors to support causes they care about while potentially receiving tax benefits.

In the next 25 years, an estimated $68 trillion will be transferred from the Baby Boomer generation to their heirs, marking the largest wealth transfer in human history. This presents an unprecedented opportunity for philanthropy, particularly in planned giving. Nonprofits that cultivate relationships with donors now and make it easy for them to include their organization in their wills can tap into this significant moment for planned giving.

In Miami County, Kansas, where community and charity go hand in hand, planned giving can play a transformative role. Whether it’s supporting local education initiatives, contributing to healthcare facilities, or preserving the natural beauty of Kansas, planned giving allows donors to leave a lasting legacy in their community.

This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of effective planned giving in Miami County, Kansas. It will cover the basics of planned giving, the benefits for both donors and nonprofits and common types of planned gifts. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how planned giving can be a strategic tool for long-term philanthropy in Miami County, Kansas.

Join us as we delve into the world of planned giving, a realm where generosity meets strategic financial planning and where every individual can make a lasting impact on the causes they hold dear.

A Deep Dive Into Legacy Giving

A senior citizen looking at their planned giving donation summary.
Legacy giving, also known as planned giving can become not only one of the most reliable revenue sources for nonprofits, but also a meaningful way for donors to show their support.

Legacy giving, also known as planned giving, is often misunderstood as complex and fraught with technical tax issues. However, with the right strategy, it can become not only one of the most reliable revenue sources for nonprofits and a meaningful way for donors to show their support, but also a powerful catalyst for real-life changes in people and the improvement of the community as a whole.

These gifts are often planned years in advance and can take various forms, including monetary donations, real estate, or the establishment of a charitable annuity or trust. The specifics of each gift and how it is distributed will vary depending on the nonprofit and the donor’s wishes. However, these gifts have the potential to supply nonprofits with meaningful funds for years to come and honor the legacy of the donor who made the contribution.

The Importance of legacy giving

Legacy giving benefits both nonprofits and donors. For donors, it offers the ability to cement their legacy, ensuring they will be remembered for their generosity and commitment to a cause long after their passing. It can also provide tax benefits and give donors control over how their donations will be used.

For nonprofits such as Miami County Community Foundation, legacy giving is an important funding source. With such additional funds, Miami County Community Foundation can enhance the lives of Miami County, Kansas residents in various ways. For instance, the funds can be used to support and expand vital community programs and initiatives that address critical areas of need, such as education, healthcare, social services, and environmental conservation.

Join us in shaping a better tomorrow for Miami County. Your support is more than just a donation. It’s an investment in our community.

The Different Types of Planned Gifts 

A lady gifting clothes as part of legacy giving.
Donors can also contribute real estate and tangible personal property as planned gifts.

The diverse array of planned gifts presents Miami County, Kansas residents with multiple ways to shape the future of their community. Here, we will delve into the different types of planned gifts, their benefits specifically for the county’s residents, and how they operate:

  • Bequests: The most popular and simplest type of legacy giving, bequests involve donors outlining a specific sum of money, stocks, tangible assets like a piece of art, or even a percentage of the value of their estate to a nonprofit in their will. Such planned gifts can be changed or modified during the donor’s lifetime, offering a high degree of flexibility.
  • Life insurance beneficiary designations: Donors can also designate a nonprofit as a beneficiary of their life insurance policy, making it a valuable tool for planned giving. This form of planned gift bypasses probate, ensuring a swift and efficient transfer of assets to the designated charity. Alternatively, donors can donate the policy’s accumulated value to a nonprofit.
  • Retirement accounts (IRAs): Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and other tax-deferred retirement plans can be used for planned giving. A donor can name a nonprofit as a beneficiary or recipient of a certain percentage of the proceeds, significantly impacting the organization’s future.
  • Charitable gift annuities: Large nonprofits often offer Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) to their donors. With this planned giving method, donors contribute substantial donations during their lifetime. In return, the nonprofit provides them with a fixed income for the rest of their lives. Upon the donor’s passing, the nonprofit receives the remaining funds.
  • Retained life estates: Retained life estates offer another avenue for planned giving. Here, donors give a piece of property they own to a nonprofit, retaining the right to use it during their lifetime. After the donor’s passing, the nonprofit gains complete control over the property, choosing to either retain or sell it.
  • Charitable remainder and lead trusts: Donors may choose to establish Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) or Charitable Lead Trusts (CLTs). CRTs allow the donor to transfer an asset into a trust, providing an income stream to the donor or named beneficiaries for life or a specified term, after which the remaining assets go to the nonprofit. CLTs work in reverse: they provide income to the charitable organization for a certain period, after which the remaining assets revert to the donor or their designated beneficiaries.
  • Real estate and tangible personal property: Donors can also contribute real estate and tangible personal property as planned gifts. Such assets may include artwork, collectibles, or other valuable items. By donating these assets to a charitable organization, donors can potentially avoid capital gains tax and receive a charitable deduction based on the fair market value of the property.

Choosing the right type of planned gift depends on the donor’s financial situation, philanthropic goals, and the nature of their assets. Consultation with legal or financial advisors is always recommended to ensure the most beneficial arrangements for both the donor and their chosen beneficiaries.

Planned gifts offer a powerful way for donors to create a lasting impact on the causes they hold dear. By incorporating philanthropy into their estate planning, donors can ensure their generosity lives on, leaving an enduring mark on the world.

How Planned Giving Can Make a Difference in Miami County, KS

A person donating money, which is one of the acceptable planned gifts.
Planned giving is more than just a financial transaction.

As we reach the end of our comprehensive guide to effective planned giving in Miami County, Kansas, it’s important to reflect on the key takeaways and the transformative potential of planned giving.

Planned giving is more than just a financial transaction; it’s a powerful expression of your values, your vision for the future, and your commitment to making a lasting impact on your community. 

It’s an opportunity to support key organizations like Shifting Gears for Regan, a non-profit that is dedicated to funding and developing suicide awareness and prevention initiatives throughout the Kansas City area. Furthermore, your gift can leave a legacy that transcends your lifetime, shaping not just the future of Miami County but contributing to the well-being and resilience of communities in meaningful and potentially life-saving ways.

Through this guide, we’ve explored the various forms of planned giving, the benefits they offer to both donors and non-profit organizations, and the crucial role they play in supporting the vital work of nonprofits in our community. We’ve also provided practical advice on how to plan your giving effectively.

Remember, planned giving is not exclusive to the wealthy. Anyone can make a planned gift, regardless of their income level or assets. It’s all about thoughtful planning and a desire to make a difference.

As you consider your planned giving journey, we encourage you to reflect on the causes you care about, consult non-profit organizations such as the Miami County Community Foundation, and explore available options. Your gift, no matter its size, can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals and families in Miami County.

Transform lives with just one click – Your donation can make real change possible. You have the opportunity to transform lives to provide resources to those who need them most.