Welcome to the Miami County Community Foundation (MICOCF), where we are dedicated to enriching lives through targeted philanthropy.

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How Anonymous Donations Can Help Change Lives in Miami County

“I enjoy helping others, and any money donated stays right here in Miami County. Doesn't go anywhere else.
It's right here helping our people and making a difference.
Linda French

When an apartment fire devastated the home of a single mother in Miami County, MICOCF helped her get back on her feet thanks to the contributions of anonymous donors.

One of those donors, who also happens to be a resident of Miami County, is Linda French. French has been a resident for over 30 years and she seeks to help others in need without expecting anything in return.

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“I like to help people anonymously to where they don’t know where it’s coming from,” explained French. “They don’t need to know; they don’t need to feel obligated.”

French became aware of the single mother and her plight, thanks to the sheriff’s department. “The sheriff’s department has their thumb on the pulse of Miami County. They know what’s going on when nobody else does.”

However, she noticed that the men and women in uniform don’t always receive the help and support they need, and that’s when Matt Kelly, an old friend of French’s, gave her insights into the workings of the sheriff’s department.

“I believe in the sheriff’s department. And there’s not enough support, as far as I’m concerned, for our police or deputies in the nation.”

Kelly and French had been friends for a long time, which led them to meet Keri Peterson, who explained how Miami County Community Foundation works. “Any money donated stays right here in Miami County, and it doesn’t go anywhere else,” said French. “And it’s tax deductible. I love that.”

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Motivated by the work done by Miami County Community Foundation, both Kelly and French decided to create the Miami County, Kansas Sheriff’s Fund as a way to help them.

“There are times that the budget isn’t there for the Sheriff’s Department for maybe something special like cameras or whatever they may need,” explained French. “There are different needs that come up as they go through the year, but it’s not budgeted for, so this would help.”

She and Kelly hope that through this fund, the men and women in uniform can get some assistance and feel appreciated for their work for the community. For Kelly, this fund hits home as he one was a deputy at the Miami County Sheriff’s Department, and he would love to see his former colleagues and new recruits get the assistance they need. 

“We found a niche together to make a difference here,” said French. “And that’s why we started this fund together.”

Interested in learning more? Visit the  Miami County Community Foundation website where you can read more about some of the lives we have changed.

Also, if you support what we do and want to make a change in the community, you can donate here: GIVE | MICOCF

Your online gift—whether one-time, annual, or recurring—allows Miami County Community Foundation to allocate funding to the areas with the most impact each year.