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How To Get Retirement Right: A Retirees’ Guide

get retirement right

Embarking on retirement is a transition not easy for lots of people. It’s often greeted with a blend of enthusiasm and an ounce of uncertainty. In Kansas, where the threshold of full retirement swings between 66 and 67 based on when you were born, turning 66 is hardly considered ‘old’ anymore. It marks a shift from the daily grind to a phase rich with personal pursuits, family time, and civic engagement for some.

So what do you do to get retirement right? It’s the perfect opportunity to secure your financial future while also weighing the effects of your fiscal decisions, and those can be very lasting. There’s also a growing trend towards evaluating the mark we imprint on the world. Retirement has become more than just a financial endgame; it’s now a deliberate approach to life that encompasses foresight, abundant giving, and a commitment to societal benefit. 

Aligning your retirement roadmap with philanthropic pursuits opens the way for a legacy of kindness that will benefit the new generations and your family.With that in mind, here are five practical suggestions to make your retirement rewarding for you and your beloved community:

  • Make Your Retirement Savings Community-Oriented: It’s very easy to picture a retirement where your savings go beyond personal use to community benefit. Consider how your funds could help community services like the local library, food banks, or scholarship programs. Your financial foresight could be the support these initiatives need.
  • Use Donor-Advised Funds: These funds empower you to influence where your charity dollars go. By recommending grants to preferred charities, you maintain a bond with the causes you care about, marrying smart tax planning with your charitable goals.
  • Create a Legacy: Through planned giving, you can establish bequests, annuities, or trusts that perpetuate your charitable goals, for example, funding a scholarship or supporting a cause that’s important to you, and God knows that many causes always need our help.
  • Learn About Tax Incentives: The word “ taxes” can be scary and you should not be ashamed about it! But you should also know that giving wisely can benefit you at tax time. By understanding the tax breaks available for different types of charitable donations, like those from an IRA or through a charitable trust, you can lessen your taxes and increase your community impact.
  • Stay Active: Engage with local causes by volunteering, joining boards, or attending community functions! Your skills and time are precious and would contribute to progress and enrich your life and that of others around you. 

Thankfully, the sense of community in Miami County’s retirement landscape is palpable. The Miami County Community Foundation, founded in 2007, has become an attraction for those stepping away from their careers and looking to make a meaningful difference in their community.

As we explore different strategies, keep in mind that retirement can be both a personal and shared experience. With thoughtful planning, your retirement will not only honor your career but also serve as a contribution to the community that’s been part of your local story.

How To Prepare For Retirement: A Checklist

Senior couple and in a lounge, researching what it takes to get retirement right.
Planning for retirement is a lot like building your dream home. It starts with a clear plan.

So, how to prepare for retirement? Stopping working is usually dreamed about as a time for unwinding and enjoying the privilege of choosing how to spend one’s time. Turning this dream into reality takes more than hope—it requires a solid strategy and proactive measures. The Miami County Community Foundation provides a roadmap for residents to prepare for their later years, ensuring a balance between securing personal finances and enhancing community welfare.

  1. Laying the Groundwork for Retirement

Planning for retirement is a lot like building your dream home. It starts with a clear plan, laying down a strong foundation, building solid walls, and topping it off with a sturdy roof to keep you safe from the unexpected. 

To get ready for retirement, you need to really understand your money—how much you have, how it can grow, and how to keep it safe. Then, you can move on to saving carefully and choosing the right mix of investments. Finally, you make sure you’re covered for health care and any surprises life throws your way, and you can start thinking about what you’ll leave behind.

  1. Tailoring Your Retirement Plan

You should start planning your retirement by evaluating what you’ll need to live the life you want. Think about the lifestyle you’re looking forward to, your health, and what you hope to achieve.  Ask yourself: How much money will it take to cover my daily living, medical expenses, and the goals I’m passionate about?

 Whether you plan to explore new places, enjoy your favorite pastimes, or support a charity, understanding these costs is key to saving enough not just to live on but to enjoy your retirement years.

  1. Strategizing Savings

Create a savings plan that’s adaptable yet disciplined. Make the most of retirement accounts like 401(k)s and IRAs that offer tax benefits, and if you’re starting late, you should take advantage of opportunities to contribute more. It’s important to concentrate on saving consistently and investing wisely. Spread your investments to manage risk and increase potential gains, building a secure financial cushion for the future.

  1. Investing with Purpose

Wise investing isn’t just about looking for profits in the stock market or the bitcoin market; it’s about building a stable and meaningful future that also helps your community. The Miami County Community Foundation is there to help you choose investments that not only grow your savings but also support local projects that are important to you. 

This way, your retirement savings can do good for others while serving your future needs, since you’re also a part of the community.

  1. Insuring Against Surprises

A thorough retirement strategy also guards against the unexpected. Insurance and emergency reserves are key to a well-rounded retirement plan, safeguarding against sudden financial demands. Preparing for these contingencies helps you secure your future and maintain your role as a community stalwart, not a liability.

  1. Continuous Education

Planning for retirement is a continuous learning process. Stay informed about the latest tax laws, investment choices, and what’s happening around you, in your county, and in your State. As you set the stage for your retirement, mix your financial planning with your desire to give back, creating a legacy that resonates across Miami County. 

To get retirement right, use the guidance and tools provided by the Miami County Community Foundation. This way, your preparation for retirement goes beyond ensuring your ease—it becomes a meaningful gift to the community that has been a huge part of your journey.

Join us in shaping a better tomorrow for Miami County. Your support is more than just a donation. It’s an investment in our community.

Maximizing Charitable Contributions From IRA

A senior individual using calculators to calculate how to prepare for retirement.
When you give some of this money to charity, you’re not just meeting the rules for minimum withdrawals; you could also be lowering your tax bill.

One standout way to keep your hard work standing out is by making charitable contributions from IRA.  Choosing to donate part of your IRA to charity is a wise move for anyone looking to make their retirement savings go further, especially for those at the age when they need to start taking out their Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs).

When you give some of this money to charity, you’re not just meeting the rules for minimum withdrawals; you could also be lowering your tax bill. It’s a smart way to make sure your retirement money is doing as much good as possible for both you and the causes you care about.

You can get retirement right by making the most of your IRA for a secure financial future. But what is an IRA? “IRA” is short for Individual Retirement Account, a special kind of savings account in the United States that’s designed to help you keep your money away for when you retire, with some nice tax perks. There are a few different types of IRAs—like the Traditional, Roth, SEP, and SIMPLE—each with its own set of rules for how much you can put in and how the taxman treats your money.

  • Traditional IRA: When you put money into a Traditional IRA, you might get to deduct those contributions from your current taxes, which can be a nice perk when tax season rolls around. Your investment grows tax-free over the years, but keep in mind that you’ll be taxed on it when you start making withdrawals in retirement.
  • Roth IRA: You pay taxes on your contributions right away. However, the great part is that when you’re ready to retire, you can withdraw your money without paying a penny in taxes on it, including the growth. 
  • SEP IRA: If you’re self-employed or part of a small business, a SEP IRA is like having your own pension plan. Your employer can contribute to your retirement savings, which is a fantastic way to build up your retirement savings.
  • SIMPLE IRA: And let’s not forget about the SIMPLE IRA. It’s a team effort between you and your employer to fill your retirement savings jar. You both contribute, which can really add up over time, and you get some tax breaks. 

After you learn what is it about, the question “how to prepare for retirement?” does not sound so scary anymore, does it?

Financial planning for retirement is about painting a picture of your future with strokes of wisdom and careful attention to detail. It’s a journey that begins with it a clear understanding of your goals and the resources you have in your IRA. Think of it as crafting a personalized roadmap that leads to a destination of comfort, security, and the joy of knowing you’ve planned well. Along the way, you’ll make decisions that reflect your lifestyle, aspirations, and the legacy you want to leave. 

It’s not just about saving; it’s about strategically growing your funds so that when the workdays are over, you can step into retirement with confidence and peace of mind. Contributing to charity from your IRA is a clever move for those looking to meet their Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) obligations.

When you choose this route, you’re not only avoiding the tax hit on traditional RMDs—which are typically counted as income—but you’re also actively lowering your reported income for the year. This smart maneuver could lead to a lighter tax load for you. For the charitably minded, this approach turns a tax necessity into a philanthropic opportunity. It’s a chance to channel funds that would be taxed into the hands of charities that can put them to good use

This tactic plays a dual role in your financial strategy. It can trim down the cost of Medicare premiums and even affect how much of your Social Security gets taxed, as both can be linked to your income bracket. The beauty of this strategy lies in its simplicity. Direct transfers from your IRA to your chosen charity mean less hassle for you and no complex paperwork. And the best part? 

Your charitable actions have an immediate effect. Unlike deferred giving, which waits until you’re no longer here, these donations make a real-time difference, allowing you to see the fruits of your kindness right away.

Get Retirement Right: Invest in Your Community 

Senior couple sitting together in peace after making a charitable contributions from IRA.
You can get retirement right by making the most of your IRA for a secure financial future.

A philanthropic retirement is not just a time for rest; it’s a period for active engagement and purposeful living and a great way to get retirement right. The strategies outlined provide a blueprint for those in Kansas and beyond to approach retirement with a plan that balances personal financial security with the desire to contribute to the greater good. 

By investing in community-oriented savings, utilizing donor-advised funds, creating a charitable legacy, learning about tax incentives, and staying active within the community, retirees can ensure their golden years are as rewarding for themselves as they are for the causes they hold dear.  

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