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Shifting Gears for Regan: A Journey of Hope and Prevention

The Shifting Gears for Regan event is an annual initiative dedicated to raising awareness and funds for mental health and teen suicide prevention. Founded in memory of Regan Johnson, this event brings together the community for a day of fun and purpose, supporting a cause that affects – now more than ever – too many families.

This year, the event will be held on Saturday, June 22, starting from 10:30 AM at Louisburg Cider Mill. Thanks to the Miami County Community Foundation, Every dollar you donate will be matched up to $5,000, doubling your impact!

Make sure to reserve your spot!

Why Teen Suicide Prevention Matters

Teen suicide is a devastating issue, now the second leading cause of death among adolescents.

Studies show a troubling rise in suicide rates in the U.S., with over 47,000 American teens aged 10-19 losing their lives to suicide in the past two decades. Suicide by overdose and firearms have seen particularly steep increases, especially among girls and minority youth.

Social media pressure, economic troubles, academic stress, feelings of exclusion, racism… many factors threaten our youth’s mental health. The causes of teen suicide are various and often difficult to identify, making proactive prevention vitally important. 

The Shifting Gears for Regan event is not just a tribute to Regan’s memory but an initiative to provide resources and support to address this growing issue. Participating can help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health and strongly contribute to prevention efforts. 

The Personal Story Behind the Cause: Regan Johnson’s Life and Legacy

On December 7, 2017, Regan Johnson, a 16-year-old with a passion for ATV racing, tragically ended her own life. Her sudden loss left her family and community in profound grief. Regan’s parents—BJ & Jeremy Wilson and Mark Johnson—channeled their pain into a mission to prevent other families from experiencing similar heartbreak. 

In 2018, they founded Shifting Gears, an organization dedicated to raising awareness about teen suicide and supporting families to cope after such a tragic loss.

Shifting Gears: In Memory of Regan Johnson

The name “Shifting Gears” carries a double meaning. It reflects Regan’s love for racing and her thrill for speed and competition. At the same time, it represents the profound journey of her family in adapting to life after her passing.

Mission and Goals

The mission of Shifting Gears is to raise awareness about teen suicide prevention and to support families dealing with the sudden loss of a child to suicide. The organization aims to educate both parents and teens about the signs of suicide and the importance of mental health. With your donations being matched dollar for dollar up to $5,000 by the Miami County Community Foundation, we can finally expand our reach. 

Impact on the Community

Since its inception, Shifting Gears has made a significant impact in the Kansas City area and beyond. The organization runs educational programs, hosts community events, and partners with schools to promote suicide prevention. The annual Shifting Gears for Regan event brings together hundreds of participants and raises funds and awareness for this cause. 

The Miami County Community Foundation supports the organization by matching donations and amplifying, thus amplifying the impact of each contribution.

Through community efforts, Shifting Gears honors Regan’s memory by tirelessly working to prevent teen suicide and support affected families. Their commitment proves the strength and resilience of those facing unimaginable loss, offering hope and healing to many.

Annual Shifting Gears Passport Cruise

The Shifting Gears Passport Cruise is an annual event that raises awareness and funds for teen suicide prevention. It’s a day filled with adventure and remembrance, bringing hope and support to families affected by suicide.

From Its Inception to the 6th Annual Cruise

The Passport Cruise started in 2018, shortly after the founding of Shifting Gears. Each year, it has grown in participation and impact, becoming a highly anticipated event in the Kansas City area. This year marks the 6th annual cruise, showcasing the enduring commitment of the community to this vital cause.

The Passport Cruise began in 2018, soon after Shifting Gears was founded. Each year, it has grown in size and impact, becoming a beloved tradition in the Kansas City area. This year marks the 6th annual cruise, a big achievement reflecting our shared commitment!

Success Stories from Previous Years

Over the years, participants have enjoyed visiting various local attractions, such as farms, wineries, and breweries. And this year will be no exception.

The event has not only brought joy and camaraderie but also inspired many to share their personal stories and support the mission of Shifting Gears. These unforgettable moments remain cherished memories for every attendee.

Event Details for June 22, 2024

Mark your calendars for an unforgettable day on June 22!

The Shifting Gears event begins at 10:30 AM with registration at Louisburg Cider Mill, followed by a celebration at 5:30 PM at Somerset Schoolhouse. 

This year’s cruise includes stops at some amazing local attractions:

Each stop offers a unique local experience, and it all contributes to raising awareness for teen suicide prevention. 

Why Your Support Matters

Wondering how your support can make a real difference? 

  • Prevention programs: Your donations will fund programs that educate teens and prevent suicide.
  • Family support: Families affected by teen suicide will benefit from your help and be immensely grateful.
  • Community awareness: Being aware is the first step to tackling issues. Help us spread knowledge and understanding. 

Don’t forget, thanks to the Miami County Community Foundation, your donations are matched up to $5,000, making every dollar you give go twice as far.

By supporting Shifting Gears, you’re helping to create a safer, more supportive community for our youth. Together, we can save lives and offer hope to those in need.

Join us on June 22nd and be part of the solution! For more details about the event, visit the Shifting Gears page.