Welcome to the Miami County Community Foundation (MICOCF), where we are dedicated to enriching lives through targeted philanthropy.

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Donation Total: $100.00

miami county community foundation


Why we do what we do?

Establishing a fund with the Miami County Community Foundation is a wonderful way to make a lasting impact on the community and to fulfill your philanthropic goals.  The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of private citizens and administers a number of restricted and unrestricted endowments that have been contributed or bequeathed through a variety of sources. The Foundation currently consists of Donor Advised Funds/Scholarship Funds of all sizes, dedicated to supporting the community where we work, live and play.

Donor Advised Funds

A Donor Advised Fund provides a way for you to make a charitable gift, receive an immediate tax benefit and provide direction regarding the grants awarded.

The basic steps to establish a Donor Advised Fund are as follows:

  • Make an irrevocable gift of your personal assets.
  • Receive the maximum IRS tax deduction immediately.
  • Choose the name of your Donor Advised Fund account.
  • Select current and successor advisors and the charitable beneficiary or beneficiaries.
  • Your contribution is placed in a Donor Advised Fund account with the Miami County Community Foundation that is uniquely identifiable. The funds are invested and grow tax-free in perpetuity.
  • Recommend grants from your Donor Advised Fund account to any qualified charity at any point thereafter.

The Miami County Community Foundation is legally in control of the contributions that are made; but you, the donor or your representative, maintains advisory privileges regarding the investment of the funds and the grants to charitable causes.

Scholarship Funds

A scholarship fund with the Miami County Community Foundation is an excellent way to help area students achieve their dreams and to become the community leaders of the future.

Establishing a scholarship fund may be easier than you think.  When you establish a scholarship fund, you can choose the name of the scholarship, the eligibility criteria and the amount of the award.  The Miami County Community Foundation manages all fiscal aspects of the scholarship fund and, if you desire, the application, selection, and award process as well.

Peter Murphy Lewis

(913) 245 0050


Mail Your Donation

Miami County Community  Foundation

702 Baptiste Dr
Paola, KS 66071, USA