Welcome to the Miami County Community Foundation (MICOCF), where we are dedicated to enriching lives through targeted philanthropy.

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Donation Total: $100.00

miami county community foundation


The tax law changes may make a “QCD” (Qualified Charitable Distribution) advantageous. Because it produces taxable income, a retirement plan is one of the best types of assets to transfer to a charitable organization.  A QCD may preserve certain tax credits that you might lose in your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). Many assets an heir inherits are free from income tax; however, they will have to pay income tax on payments from the decedent’s retirement plan (i.e. their 401(k) plan, IRA or profit sharing plan). If your desire is to make a charitable bequest, it is typically better to transfer taxable assets to the charitable cause and to transfer assets not subject to income tax to your heirs.

Peter Murphy Lewis

(913) 245 0050


Mail Your Donation

Miami County Community  Foundation

702 Baptiste Dr
Paola, KS 66071, USA