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Miami County Kansas Veterans Support: A Complete Guide

Miami County Kansas veterans support

This is an article that will explore Miami County Kansas Veterans Support; a mission that’s close to our hearts. Our U.S. veterans have given so much for our country, and it’s our shared duty to be there for them when they need us most.

Imagine a community where compassion and support are valued and encouraged. That’s the essence of Miami County. Here, we genuinely look out for our neighbors, and kindness is ingrained in our way of life. 

We all share a commitment to the welfare of our society, and that includes honoring and supporting our veterans. They play a huge role in this community, and Kansas has always been a welcoming home for those who have bravely served our nation. In fact, here in Kansas, we proudly boast in excess of 167,000 veterans in our population.

Given the recent changes happening in the military, like downsizing active personnel, Reserves, and the National Guard, local support for veterans is more important than ever, as even heroes can use a helping hand from time to time. Veterans face various challenges, such as:

  • Accessing medical care.
  • Finding stable housing.
  • Covering utilities. 

That’s where our community steps in—like a silver lining when it’s needed the most. There are different approaches to charitable activities and donations, and we would like to showcase all of them.

How Miami County KS is Home to Many Veterans

A veteran filling in a form for a Miami County Kansas veterans support program.
According to the statistics, 8.1% of the veteran population lives in Miami County, KS,

Miami County KS isn’t just a place—it’s our cherished home, filled with a compassionate community. Have you ever paused by Hillsdale Lake and wondered about how ordinary people around you live their lives? How many among them may be facing challenges? How many veterans are in need of our support? 

According to the statistics, 8.1% of the veteran population lives in Miami County, KS, and the United States Census Bureau points out that 6.2% of the population here lives below the poverty line. In May this year, everybody gathered to pay tribute to the heroes on Memorial Day. 

However, it’s fundamental to remember that our dedication to caring and supporting others should go beyond a single day. Our commitment should be year-round, ensuring that every member of our Miami County community receives the help and support they deserve.

What kind of daily help do veterans need within Miami County Kansas veterans support?

  • Transportation Aid: Providing veterans in the community with the necessary transportation to their medical and mental health appointments can make a difference for them.
  • Saying “Thank You” from the Heart:  A heartfelt “thank you” goes a long way, and for veterans, a warm “Welcome home. Thank you for your service” can hold a tremendous amount of significance.
  • Joining the Fight Against Homelessness: Veterans facing foreclosure, eviction, or homelessness need support.
  • Home Repairs and Chores: Many veterans struggle with home repairs and household chores.
  • Assistance with Healthcare and Retirement Plans: Veterans often need help navigating healthcare and retirement planning. 
  • Get accustomed to civilian life: It is not easy to return to normal after active military duty. Many vets need help to get back into the workforce or further education.

Join us in shaping a better tomorrow for Miami County. Your support is more than just a donation. It’s an investment in our community.

Why Miami County Community Foundation Might Be the Best Charity for Veterans in Miami County, Kansas

A senior veteran in Miami County KS enjoying some time with his spouse.
When it comes to finding the best charity for veterans, a single choice can make a lot of difference.

When it comes to finding the best charity for veterans, a single choice can make a lot of difference. There are plenty of institutions to choose from, and finding the right one is difficult. Let us explain why the Miami County Community Foundation could be the perfect choice when it comes to supporting our veterans in Miami County.

Guess what – the Miami County Community Foundation has been a friend who’s always there when you need them since 2007. What’s our mission? To improve the lives of everyone in Miami County, Kansas. We are committed to enhancing the business scene, elevating our quality of life, and enriching culture and education. It’s safe to say that this has become our life’s purpose.

Now, here’s where things get exciting. Our foundation goes beyond Miami County Kansas veterans support – we offer a range of services. We understand that veterans face challenges, whether it’s soldiers transitioning back to civilian life or those going through tough times at the moment. And we don’t do it alone. 

The Miami County Community Foundation collaborates with organizations all over Kansas. Together, we created a network that can help Kansas veteran organizations and offer them assistance and privileges they genuinely deserve.  

We provide services in Miami County KS, that enable citizens to:

  • Donate Retirement Plans: You may consider “QCDs” for tax benefits when donating retirement assets.
  • Give to a Fund: You may impact the community today by donating to some of the existing funds or to the Miami County Community Foundation General Fund through cash or credit card donations.
  • Gifts of Life Insurance: Life insurance provides an easy way for you to give a significant gift to the community upon your death with tax benefits that you can enjoy now.
  • Cash & Income Providing Gifts: Give cash, stocks, bonds, real estate, or income-producing assets to the Foundation. 
  • Gifts by Will or Trust: It is an opportunity for you to make a difference in the quality of life in your community, possibly in perpetuity. This can be a satisfying way to help provide a secure future for your favorite charitable organization.  
  • Establish a Fund: Create a lasting impact on the community by establishing a fund with the Foundation.
  • Give Memorials and Honor Gifts: Remember loved ones who perished on active duty and honor people serving in the military now.

In the past, over $50,000 was awarded through the Miami County Community Foundation in scholarships and gifts for the benefit of the community. We work closely with local organizations and we know what our County needs the most.

For example, Kansas Veterans Benefits does offer a Service Scholarship and Guard Educational Assistance Program, but in order to get the scholarship, you need to meet a list of requirements, and it is not always as easy as it looks. We work closely with the Salvation Army and American Legion Riders, and if you want to support the bright future for some of the veterans in our territory, we know how to do it and where to go.

Miami County Kansas Veterans Support

A field of flags, which was decorated by the best charity for veterans.
The Miami County Community Foundation is committed to ensuring that veterans receive the necessary assistance they deserve.

We know that deciding to lend a helping hand within Miami County Kansas veterans support can feel like a challenge. What should I google? Can I trust this organization? 

With the Miami County Community Foundation by your side, it becomes far from impossible. We are committed to ensuring that veterans receive the necessary assistance they deserve and that your generous donations are directed toward individuals and non-profit organizations who truly need it.

Transform lives with just one click. Your donation has the power to create significant change.