How to Donate in Memory of Someone: The Complete Guide 

How to Donate in Memory of Someone: The Complete Guide 

In the tapestry of human emotions, grief stands out as one of the most profound. It’s a complex blend of sadness, longing, love, and at times, helplessness. While nothing can truly fill the void left by a loved one, finding a meaningful way to commemorate their life can bring a sense of solace and purpose. One way to do this is to donate in memory of someone via in-memory gifts. 

An in-memory gift or memorial gift is essentially a charitable donation made to commemorate the life of someone who has passed away. It serves as a tangible and lasting way to celebrate and pay tribute to the deceased’s life, values,the legacy they left behind, all while improving someone else’s life. The concept goes beyond merely writing a check. It’s about cherishing memories and values, and leaving a positive imprint in the world in their name.

When someone is asked to donate in memory of someone, the donation is often monetary, but it can also include assets, goods, or even services offered in memory of someone. It stands out from other types of charitable contributions because of its deeply personal nature. 

This isn’t just about philanthropy; it’s about honoring a connection, a life, a story. When you donate in memory of someone, you’re essentially saying, “This is in honor of a life that mattered, a soul that touched others.”

For the bereaved family, knowing that others are commemorating their loved ones in such a proactive way can also provide immense solace. It reiterates the importance of the life lived and offers a glimmer of positivity in otherwise challenging times.

Reasons People Choose To Make In Memory Donations

A couple holding hands after deciding to donate in memory of someone.
A memorial donation can help create a lasting impact, be it helping those in need, funding research, or supporting a cause close to the deceased’s heart.

It is worth mentioning that there is a trend that has seen significant growth recently: online tribute or in memory donations.

According to a study by goDonate, online tributes—made by those who wanted to donate in memory of someone—witnessed an impressive growth of 46% between 2020 and 2021. This uptick signals a more pronounced shift towards online platforms as the primary medium for memorial donations.

Also, engagement with in-memory fundraising campaigns also experienced a boost, with the average number of donations per campaign rising from 20 in 2020 to 23 in 2021, highlighting increased participation and wider outreach.

The study went on to observe that in terms of donors’ motivations, there was a notable shift too. In 2021, one in eight donors indicated that their primary reason for giving was in-memory or tribute donations, a rise from one in ten in the previous year. This suggests a growing recognition and appreciation of commemorative donations.

These key findings underscore the growing significance of online platforms in the world of in-memory and tribute donations. But why is there an increase in the first place? 

The tradition of giving flowers at funerals is longstanding, symbolizing the fleeting nature of life and the beauty of the person who has passed on. However, in recent times, many families are moving towards requesting donations in lieu of flowers

Here are some of the reasons why more and more people are opting to donate in memory of someone:

  • Lasting impact: Flowers, as beautiful as they are, wilt with time. In contrast, a memorial donation can help create a lasting impact, be it helping those in need, funding research, or supporting a cause close to the deceased’s heart.
  • Personal values: By donating to a charity or cause the deceased was passionate about, families can ensure that their loved ones’ values and passions continue to make a difference.
  • Sense of community: When friends and family come together to contribute towards a cause, it creates a sense of community and shared purpose. This collective effort can be comforting and can foster a feeling of togetherness in challenging times.

At its core, a memorial donation is more than just financial support for a nonprofit; it’s a way to commemorate the life of a loved one. By making a contribution to their memory, donors hope to perpetuate the values, passions, and spirit of the deceased. It’s a deeply personal gesture that allows families and friends to channel their grief into something positive and impactful.

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How To Choose the Right Non-Profit in Miami County, KS, for Your Memorial Donation 

A couple reviewing documents from charities before deciding where to make in memory donations.
If you intend to donate in memory of someone, you should ideally choose a cause that resonates with the passions, beliefs, and interests of the departed. 

You now understand the positive impact a memorial donation can have in Miami County, Kansas, and you are now want to donate in memory of someone. How do you go about ensuring that the donation made in memory of a loved one goes to a credible non-profit?

Thankfully, numerous online platforms have stepped up to make this task more manageable for potential donors. Here’s a rundown of some of the top platforms to help you make informed decisions:

  1. Charity Watch: Founded in 1992 as the American Institute of Philanthropy (AIP), this platform might be your best starting point if you’re looking for comprehensive ratings on a myriad of charities. CharityWatch provides detailed ratings, helping donors identify the most efficient and trustworthy organizations. 
  2. BBB Wise Giving Alliance: This platform goes beyond just ratings by offering invaluable financial information on charities and providing direct links to the charity websites, allowing donors to delve deeper into the operations of the organizations.
  3. Charity Navigator: Regarded as one of the top resources in the philanthropic sector, Charity Navigator meticulously evaluates the financial health, accountability, and transparency of over 5,300 of America’s largest charities. If you’re aiming to support large-scale initiatives with in memory donations, this platform can guide your decision.
  4. Guidestar: With an expansive searchable database of over 1.7 million nonprofits, Guidestar is truly a gold mine of information. From financial insights to direct links to nonprofits, the platform offers a holistic view, making it easier for donors to identify suitable organizations if they want to make a donation to honor someone.
  5. JustGive: Taking philanthropy a step further, JustGive not only provides access to a database of over 1.8 million charities but also facilitates online giving. Unique to this platform is the ability to make memorial gifts, with the added provision of sending notifications to grieving families. It’s a thoughtful blend of technology and sentiment.

Now that you have platforms that you can use to carefully vet the non-profits you want to donate to, it’s time to choose one

If you intend to donate in memory of someone, you should ideally choose a cause that resonates with the passions, beliefs, and interests of the departed. 

Were they fervent advocates for animal rights? Environmental conservation enthusiasts? Passionate about arts and culture? Choosing a charity that aligns with these interests can be a beautiful way to perpetuate their legacy, ensuring their spirit lives on in causes they held dear.

If the deceased battled an illness or condition, considering a donation to a medical research organization or support group associated with that ailment can be deeply meaningful. For instance, if someone succumbed to cancer, contributing to a cancer research institute not only pays tribute to their memory but also fuels the hope for better treatments or a potential cure for others.

In Miami County, KS, there exist a lot of different non-profits, each pursuing a different goal. Do your research, and you can find a cause that aligns with the passions, beliefs, and interests of a loved one. 

Alternatively, you can contact the Miami County Community Foundation, and they can direct you to funds that you might be interested in donating to. 

Donate in Memory of Someone: Other Ways To Leave a Lasting Impression

A woman reminiscing on the past, after having made a memorial donation  to a charity.
By integrating the memory of a loved one into acts of love, service, and community, we ensure that their legacy is not just remembered, but lived.

As the ebb and flow of life continues, the memories of our cherished ones remain as timeless anchors, grounding us in moments of reflection and gratitude. While the void they leave can never truly be filled, if you donate in memory of someone, it makes an indelible mark that is imprinted on our hearts and the world at large. 

Before we conclude, it is worth mentioning some other alternative ways to give back in honor of a loved one. This can be done by: 

  • Creating a living reminder: Nature has a way of healing, and planting a tree or other greenery serves as a lasting tribute. Every time the wind rustles the leaves or flowers bloom, it’s a gentle reminder of the loved one’s presence and impact.
  • Developing a memorial scholarship: Education can be a powerful legacy. Establishing a scholarship in the name of the deceased can benefit the community for years, supporting the dreams of students and fostering the values your loved one cherished.
  • Donating old belongings: Material possessions can have a new purpose. Consider giving away gently used items like clothes, furniture, or electronics to charities, turning them into tools for change and support for those in need.
  • Supporting their place of worship: For many, spiritual places hold profound significance. Making a donation to the church, mosque, temple, or any religious institution they were associated with can be a tribute to their faith and beliefs.
  • Volunteering at their favorite charity: Acts of service can be incredibly healing. Volunteering at a place close to the deceased’s heart not only keeps their passion alive but also ensures that their legacy of giving continues.
  • Participating in community events: Joining hands with the community can be both therapeutic and honoring. Whether it’s a marathon, a charity sale, or a community clean-up, volunteering or participating in events in their name ensures their spirit lives on in collective endeavors.

By integrating the memory of a loved one into acts of love, service, and community, we ensure that their legacy is not just remembered but lived, touching lives and making a difference in Miami County, Kansas.

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